Our history

The Société québécoise de la schizophrénie was formed in 1988 by two social workers of the Hôpital Louis-H. Lafontaine (now Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal), with the support of a group of parents who had a child with schizophrenia. 

Today, people with schizophrenia can be treated and have a fulfilling life

Our mission

The mission of the Société québécoise de la schizophrénie is to improve the quality of life of people suffering from schizophrenia and related psychoses by offering educational and support activities, by prevention and public awareness, by participating in the creation of government policies, by contributing to research and this, everywhere in Quebec.

Our services

Personal support 


Documentation centre

Counsellor and peer helper who provide psychosocial support, listening, and information. 


Books, articles, brochures, conference and seminar videos, as well as other documentary resources on schizophrenia are available to our members.

Monthly lectures


Défi schizophrénie and newletters

Free lectures given by specialists and open to all: an opportunity to share the latest information on schizophrenia.


Our bulletin (3 per year) and mewsletters (10 per year) are excellent communication tools and a source of the latest information for those interested in schizophrenia.

Evening support groups


Social and respite activities

Evening group meetings to allow people to talk and provide mutual support and comfort.


A summer garden party and a Christmas dinner are held every year.

Educational programs



L'entraide : La force des familles and Apprendre à se rapprocher sans agressivité are educational programs for families to help them cope with disease of their relative.


Financial support is offered to students with schizophrenia.

Information, training and public awareness


Our activities include booths, thematic events, training days and media relations.

Reasons for supporting the SQS

  • To participate in the advancement of research
  • To reduce stigma and provide information about the illness
  • To offer support and respite to people affected with schizophrenia
  • To promote prevention, treatment and recovery
  • To support people with schizophrenia in their recovery journey

Parents and relatives are also affected by schizophrenia. Do not hesitate to promote the SQS.

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